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Òúðñåíå íà: ������ �� ����full

/ íàä 500 ïðîäóêòà /
The Return
Nicholas Sparks

Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Macmillan Readers - Elementary: Unique Graves + 2 CDs
Allan Frewin Jones

Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 22.00 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -20%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  17.60 ëâ.
Óåá êàìåðà ñ ìèêðîôîí Logitech StreamCam
Ñ êàáåë 1.5 m è USB Type-C

Èçáîð çà öâÿò íà êàìåðàòà:
Öåíà:  288.00 ëâ.
Queer Tarot + guidebook
Ashley Molesso, Chess Needham

Running Press
Öåíà:  49.90 ëâ.
Ìîíèòîð Philips 222B1TC/00
21.5", IPS, 16:9, 1920 x 1080, HDMI, DisplayPort

Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 600.00 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -15%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Öåíà:  512.00 ëâ.
Mini Classic: The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame

Miles Kelly
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  12.90 ëâ.
Mystic Mondays Tarot

Öåíà:  49.00 ëâ.
Professional English in Use: Medicine
Ron Howard, Eric Glendinning

Cambridge University Press
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  59.90 ëâ.
Collected Poems
W. B. Yeats

Collector's Library
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Î÷èëà çà âèðòóàëíà ðåàëíîñò RedboxVR
5, 8 èëè 15 áðîÿ ñ ðóòåð

Èçáîð çà áðîé î÷èëà:
Öåíè îò:  10379.00 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòè îòãîâàðÿùè íà òúðñåíå: ������ �� ����full
The Return -
The Return
Nicholas Sparks

Öåíà:  20.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
A home full of love. A house full of secrets. Trevor found himself unable to resist the call home when he inherited a tumbledown cabin from his grandfather. He's come back to live the simple life but nothing here is simple. There's Callie, the sullen local teenager who seems to know more than she should about Trevor's grandfather's death. And there's Natalie, the deputy sheriff intent on making a point and lingering in Trevor's mind long after she's left his porch. In a bid to unravel Natalie and Callie's secrets and to find out what really happened to his grandfather, Trevor is about to ...
Öèôðîâ áèíîêúë çà íîùíî âèæäàíå Levenhuk Halo 13X Plus Öèôðîâ áèíîêúë çà íîùíî âèæäàíå Levenhuk Halo 13X Plus
Öåíà:  470.00 ëâ.
Öèôðîâèÿò áèíîêúë çà íîùíî âèæäàíå Halo 13X Plus íà Levenhuk å âåëèêîëåïíî óñòðîéñòâî çà íàáëþäåíèå ïðè ðàçëè÷íè óñëîâèÿ. Êàòî íå ñå âëèÿå îò äíåâíàòà ñâåòëèíà, áèíîêúëúò ìîæå äà ñå èçïîëçâà íå ñàìî êàòî óñòðîéñòâî çà íîùíî âèæäàíå ïðåç íîùòà, íî è êàòî îáèêíîâåí áèíîêúë. Òîé å âîäîóñòîé÷èâ, îáîðóäâàí å ñúñ çàïèñâàùî óñòðîéñòâî, èíôðà÷åðâåíî îñâåòëåíèå è ìîæå äà ñå ìîíòèðà âúðõó òðèíîæíèê. Ïîäõîäÿù å çà íîùåí ëîâ è òóðèçúì, êàêòî è ìíîãî äðóãè ïðèëîæåíèÿ. Òîçè ìîäåë ìîæå äà ðåãèñòðèðà öåëè íà ðàçñòîÿíèå äî 400 ìåòðà. Âãðàäåíîòî îñâåòëåíèå å ðåãóëèðóåìî, ìîæå äà ñå àäàïòèðà êúì óñëîâèÿòà íà âñÿêàêâà îñâåòåíîñò. ...
Macmillan Readers - Elementary: Unique Graves + 2 CDs -
Macmillan Readers - Elementary: Unique Graves + 2 CDs
Allan Frewin Jones

Öåíà:  17.60 ëâ.
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 22.00 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -20%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Frankie gave a cry. the ground had opened up in front of her. She began to slide down into a big black hole. Jack tried to stop her. He held her arm, but the hole was getting bigger each moment. Suddenly there was a roaring noise, and Jack slid down into the hole after Frankie. "– We've fallen about there metres into the vault - Jack said to Frankie. – Can you see anything? – No, but I can feel something - Frankie said. – I can feel one of the coffins. Jack, this place is full of dead people! It's full of the rotting people and old bones. And the coffins are all rotting too. You can smell them. This is a ...
Óåá êàìåðà ñ ìèêðîôîí Logitech StreamCam Óåá êàìåðà ñ ìèêðîôîí Logitech StreamCam
Ñ êàáåë 1.5 m è USB Type-C

Öåíà:  288.00 ëâ.
Óåá êàìåðàòà StreamCam îò Logitech å èäåàëíà çà áúðçî è ëåñíî ñúçäàâàíå íà çàïèñè èëè ñòðèéìâàíå íà âèäåà. Logitech StreamCam îñèãóðÿâà Full HD 1080p ïðè 60 êàäúðà â ñåêóíäà è ïðåäîñòàâÿ óëòðà-ãëàäêî, âèñîêîêà÷åñòâåíî ñòðèéìèíã èçæèâÿâàíå. Ñúñðåäîòî÷åòå ñå âúðõó âèäåîñïîäåëÿíåòî, äîêàòî àâòîìàòè÷íèÿò ôîêóñ è àâòîìàòè÷íàòà åêñïîçèöèÿ íà StreamCam ïðàâÿò îñòàíàëîòî ñ ïîìîùòà íà ïîäîáðåí AI çà ïðîñëåäÿâàíå íà ëèöåòî. Àâòîôîêóñúò èíòåëèãåíòíî íàñòðîéâà îáåêòèâà â ðåàëíî âðåìå, òàêà ÷å âèíàãè äà îñòàâàòå íà ôîêóñ, äîðè êîãàòî ñå ïðèäâèæâàòå êúì êàìåðàòà èëè äàëå÷ îò íåÿ. Îñâåí òîâà, ìîæå äà ïðåâêëþ÷èòå êúì full HD 9:16 ...
Queer Tarot + guidebook - Queer Tarot + guidebook
Ashley Molesso, Chess Needham

Running Press
Öåíà:  49.90 ëâ.
Queer Tarot is a bright, bold interpretation of the tarot that offers inspiration, affirmation, and LGBTQ+ representation. Created by queer and trans artists Ashley Molesso and Chess Needham of Ash + Chess, this reimagining of the classic figures in the Major and Minor Arcana showcases a wide range of gender expressions and sexual orientations, and incorporates queer history and iconography throughout. This set includes 78 full-color illustrated tarot cards, shrink wrapped in an interior travel case; a 168-page, full-color illustrated flexibind book and a keepsake magnetic closure box with metallic foil accents. Cards ...
Ìîíèòîð Philips 222B1TC/00 Ìîíèòîð Philips 222B1TC/00
21.5", IPS, 16:9, 1920 x 1080, HDMI, DisplayPort

Öåíà:  512.00 ëâ.
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 600.00 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -15%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Ìîíèòîðúò îò Philips èìà èçäðúæëèâ ñåíçîðåí åêðàí ïðîòèâ îòáëÿñúöè çà ãúâêàâî èçïîëçâàíå è óíèâåðñàëíà ñòîéêà, çà äà ïàñâà íà íåîáõîäèìèÿ úãúë. Advanced In-Cell Touch (AIT) ïðåäëàãà ïî-òúíúê âúíøåí âèä è ïî-ÿñíà âèäèìîñò. Philips 222B1TC/00 èçïîëçâà ïðîåêòèðàíà êàïàöèòèâíà 10-òî÷êîâà ñåíçîðíà òåõíîëîãèÿ çà ïëàâíà ðåàêöèÿ. Ìîæåòå äà ñå âúçïîëçâàòå íàïúëíî îò íîâèòå âúçìîæíîñòè íà ïðèëîæåíèÿ, áàçèðàíè íà äîïèð è äà âäúõíåòå æèâîò íà ïî-ñòàðèòå ñè ïðèëîæåíèÿ. Âúâåæäàéòå ñ 10 ïðúñòà èëè èãðàéòå âúëíóâàùè èíòåðàêòèâíè èãðè. Ðàáîòåòå èíòåðàêòèâíî çàåäíî ñ êîëåãèòå ñè â ðàáîòíà èëè ó÷èëèùíà ñðåäà è óâåëè÷åòå ïðîäóêòèâíîñòòà è ...
Mini Classic: The Wind in the Willows - Mini Classic: The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame

Miles Kelly
Öåíà:  12.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Illustrator: Marcela Calderon. ... "Mini Classic: The Wind in the Willows" is a timeless story, full of joy, adventure and delight, for children aged 8+. Delightfully humorous and beautifully written, Mini Classic "The Wind in the Willows" follows the exciting adventures of water-loving Rat, sensitive Mole, fun-loving Toad and wise Badger as they mess about in boats, get lost in the Wild Wood and battle to take back Toad Hall. When Mole leaves his little underground home he meets up with water-loving rat. Together they mess about in bouts, get lost in the Wild wood, and join Toad and Badger in the ...
Mystic Mondays Tarot - Mystic Mondays Tarot


Öåíà:  49.00 ëâ.
A deck for the modern mystic. Complete with instruction guidebook. ... Mystic Mondays provides you with a stunning tarot deck that is vibrant, beautifully illustrated, and ready to help you connect to your intuition. Includes 78 brightly designed cards with hardcover guidebook. This deluxe tarot deck offers fresh interpretations of each of the major and minor arcana in a standard tarot deck. Mystic Mondays is full of positive vibes that invite you to start fresh any day of the week and helps you connect to your intuition. The vibrant tarot deck features: bright artwork, holographic card edges, and foil exterior to ...
Professional English in Use: Medicine -
Professional English in Use: Medicine
Ron Howard, Eric Glendinning

Cambridge University Press
Öåíà:  59.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öÿëîòî ðàçíîîáðàçèå íà ìåäèöèíñêàòà ëåêñèêà å ïðåäñòàâåíî â 62 óðîêà. Êíèãàòà âêëþ÷âà òåìè êàòî ñèìïòîìè, áîëåñòè, èçñëåäâàíå è ëå÷åíèå, ïðîó÷âàíå è ïðåâàíòèâíè ìåðêè è ïðåäñòàâÿ îñíîâíàòà ìåäèöèíñêà ëåêñèêà, ñâúðçàíà ñ ÷àñòèòå è ôóíêöèîíèðàíåòî íà òÿëîòî, ìåäèöèíñêè ïåðñîíàë, îáðàçîâàíèå è òðåíèíã, ïðîó÷âàíå è ïðåçåíòàöèè. Êúì èçäàíèåòî å âêëþ÷åí êëþ÷ ñ âåðíèòå îòãîâîðè êúì óïðàæíåíèÿòà îò óðîöèòå. Ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà "Professional English in Use" ñúäúðæà ïîìàãàëàòà: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Èçáðîåíèòå êîìïîíåíòè îò ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà ñå ïðîäàâàò ïîîòäåëíî. Çà ...
Collected Poems -
Collected Poems
W. B. Yeats

Collector's Library
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ...
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5, 8 èëè 15 áðîÿ ñ ðóòåð

Öåíè îò:  10379.00 ëâ.
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30 áðîÿ

Öåíà:  39599.00 ëâ.
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