Венелин Цачевски е професор, доктор на науките, автор на голям брой публикации в областта на историята, външната политика и международните отношения. Преподавал е в Хелзинския университет. През 2003-2006 г. е бил посланик на България във Финландия. На 6 декември 1917 г., след повече от пет века и половина под шведско, а след това близо 110 години под руско управления, финландците създали своя държава. През изминалия оттогава стогодишен период, Финландия се е превърнала в развита демократична страна, с модерна икономика и висок жизнен стандарт. От 1995 г. тя е член на Европейския съюз и провежда активна и миролюбива ... |
An English-language edition of History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations. Published in 2005, the book traces back and documents the historical development of Bulgaria's diplomatic relations and the institutions engaged in its foreign policy. The English edition was published by the Bulgarian Bestseller publishing house. History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations is authored by Maria Mateeva, and Peter Konstantinov has edited and updated it. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A politician survives an attempted assassination in Stockholm, and secret agent Monika Lundgren is instructed to find the people responsible. As she races across the world, through Finland, England, South Africa and Mozambique, she encounters a strange football team, a rock musician and a madman with dreams of world power. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Hundreds of dead fish, some unexplained deaths and a birdless town. Three newspaper reports from Finland attract interest from the British secret service. 'Foreign Executive' Ian Munro is sent to Lahti to investigate. But when his first contact is killed in front of him, Munro realises that someone knows why he is there... and that they will do anything to protect their secret. ... |
The book profiles postgraduate Master of Architecture Programme, organised by the Department of History and Theory of Architecture, Architecture Faculty at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. The Programme contains 15 Discipline Modules covering the wide range of multidisciplinary tasks of contemporary architectural theory and criticism, outlining the current horizon of the architectural culture. The programme courses, constructed and held in English language, are covered by leading architecture and art critics and historians, practising architects, curators, sociologists, linguists, etc. ... |
Общообразователна подготовка. ... Talk and Explore with Echo е учебник за втори клас на общообразователното училище, който е изграден въз основа на възгледите на иновационната система за ранно чуждоезиково обучение Talk with Echo. Системата предлага образователен модел на педагогическо взаимодействие, основан върху принципите на комуникативност, приемственост, интерактивност в условията на подкрепяща заобикаляща среда и съобразен с интересите и възможностите на децата. В самото начало на своето познанство с английския език учениците се запознават с буквите от английската азбука, с особеностите в произношението на ... |
The Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association (OCREA). Proceedings of the conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 21 June 2014. ... The Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association (OCREA) is an international organization that has as its focus to maintain a thematic and academic network between the institutions and colleagues who deal with Orthodox Christian research and education. It was founded in 2006 at Valamo Monastery in Finland. The articles in this volume were presented at a conference on "Methods of Teaching in Religious Education: Learning by Heart or by Experience?" held in Sofia, ... |