Използвайте гумените печати на "Stamperia" с дизайн на Летящия кораб на Лейди Вагабонд, часовник, котка и шаблон с надпис "Escape the ordinary", за да създадете завършващ акцент във вашите уникални картички и други скрапбукинг проекти. За целта ще са ви необходими различни мастила, като за получаване на максимално добър ефект използвайте пигментни или такива за ембосинг. Ако изберете течни мастила, ще трябва да ги нанасяте с подходящи тампони. Печатите са изработени от каучук. Задната им страна е снабдена със силно прилепващо лепило, позволяващо стабилно закрепяне към различни основи. Начин на ... |
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. ... A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beats. As the boys' delicate sense of order fades, so their childish dreams are transformed into something more primitive, and their behaviour starts to take on a murderous, savage significance. First published in 1954, "Lord of the Flies" is one of the most celebrates and widely read of modern ... |
A tribute to the first great age of fictional sleuthing, this delightful collection of 13 mystery classics is devoted to the genuine tale of ratiocination, "in which the detective solves the crime by investigation and observation, by using his or her wits". Douglas G. Greene, a widely recognized authority in the field of mystery fiction, provides an introduction and informative headnotes for the stories. Included among these gems, written between 1841 and 1920, are Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", widely acknowledged as the first detective story; Charles Dickens ' " ... |
He ran away to join the circus... Instead he's saving the world. ... Ned Waddlesworth has always considered his world to be exceptionally ordinary. Until the day he discovers it isn't. At all. Because on Ned's thirteenth birthday he discovers that everything magical he's ever read about or imagined is real. And without him, the world will soon be engulfed in monstrous beasts and beings. So with the help of a robot mouse, a girl witch and a flying circus unlike any other, it's up to Ned to swoop in and save the day! Roll up, roll up, and prepare to be amazed by Ned and the marvellous, magical, monstrous ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Chief Inspector Jane Honeywell is a city detective who wonders why she has moved to a sleepy country town - nothing happens in Pilton. But then the rural peace and quiet is suddenly disturbed by a horrible murder. When Jane starts the dangerous pursuit of the killer, she discovers a more terrible plan in operation. ... |
Носителите на награди "Grammy" и присъстващите в "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" "Green Day" пускат издание с най-добрите си песни "Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band". В плейлистата са включени 20 хита, обхващащи всички 21 години на "Green Day" като група, нова песен "Back In The USA", както и дует с кънтри звездата Миранда Ламбърт "Ordinary World". На 22 -ри март, Бог като по чудо слезе на сцената на "Ed Sullivan Theatre", за да обяви "Green Day" за "God’s Favorite Band" (любимата група на Бог), в предаването " ... |
Fifteen-year-old Sam is not a famous vlogger, he's never gone viral, and he doesn't want to be the Next Big Thing. In fact he's ordinary and proud of it. None of which was a problem until Dad got rich and Mum made the whole family move to London. Now Sam's off to the North London Academy for the Gifted and Talented, where everyone's busy planning Hollywood domination or starting alt-metal psychedelica crossover bands. Sam knows he'll never belong, even if he wanted to. And that's before he ends up on stage wearing nothing but a fur onesie. A brilliantly funny look at fitting in, falling out ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Everybody took photos of Prince William when he first arrived at the University of St Andrews. Crowds of photographers came to the little Scottish town next to the sea and took pictures of this new student - the nineteen year-old grandson of the Queen of England. But nobody photographed Kate Middleton on her first ... |
More than thirty years of archaeological research and observation led to a cm conclusion - the conque Serdica by the Bulgarian the settlement of new population in the city was not connected with the destruction of the city wall or the buildings in the city. Undoubtedly, the information by Theophanes about the destruction and massacre of the population and the garrison are an overstatement. The campaign of Khan Krum into this part of the Balkan Peninsula was not an ordinary military incursion but a premeditated action towards the annexation of these lands to the Bulgarian territories. The Bulgarians needed the captured ... |
Restart. Restart is a tale of a disaster and rebirth; of a sleepy Creator and the ways of humanity. One day, just like every other, a forgotten race awakens. Will the master put the world in ruins? Are people strong enough to stop him, just like they did twenty years ago and would this bring forth a greater good? Seven extraordinary minds, one strong government, a ruthless experiment, a hidden Ace, a father and a lost child - what unites their destiny, and who will win the war? Relith. Relith tells the story of an ordinary human...if you allow it to be so. An ancient legend is gaining access to a pragmatic metropolis. ... |
Darian, autobiographical novel - Roman Sakarski."Darian is a novel about one's road through life. A road that can be described with the word freedom. This is a personal story in which the past is seen but its reflections are breathing in the present. The time in which one boy becomes a man. To get in love, to fall, but to rise again and to forget about the illusions. In this debut novel, the main character Darian leaves in two different eras: the communist-led Bulgaria, and after the fall of the Iron curtain and the democratic changes in its country. Darian seeks the truth during his path to happiness. Darian is ... |
The Ultimate Acoustic Anthems. ... |