This real book contains a collection of jazz standards by Milcho Leviev (1937 - 2019), transcribed by Todor Gadjalov and edited by Valeri Kostov. Part of it are compositions such as "Bulgarian Boogie", "Isaac's Touchstone", "Lydian Riff", "Moody Modes", "Sad, a Little Bit" and dozens of others, written and performed over a span of six decades. The book also includes photos, facsimilia, as well as words both by and about Milcho Leviev. ... |
These essays bring together ideas and modes of expression from Vico, Hegel, Cassirer, and James Joyce. This work approaches philosophy as a form of literature and approaches literature as containing insights and images that supply a basis for philosophical thought. Philosophy and literature are both products of the rational imagination. The rational imagination provides a guide to the conception of the good society. By looking back at Plato's Laws, it is possible to conceive society as based on friendship rather than ideology. Considering the interrelationships among philosophy, society, and literature offers a ... |
Vicky is a super-speedy Velociraptor who races through life, and often straight into trouble. When Vicky loses sight of her family, she's in a hurry to find them but she'll need to slow down before she can join them again. This fabulous story features stunning artwork from Louise Forshaw and is a terrific read for any little dinosaur fan. ... |
Изследването в книгата се опитва да подходи към философската логика в континенталната традиция през призмата на кръговото разсъждение, което разглежда като разгръщащо се на две нива: на нивото на биващото - това е онтологически кръг, и на нивото на логическото - логически кръг, който в никакъв случай не е порицаваният порочен кръг в доказателството. Проследявайки тази кръговост, авторът непрекъснато я съотнася с вътрешноприсъщата ѝ телеологичност. Философската традиция, която изследва, обхваща възгледите на Георг Вилхелм Фридрих Хегел, Ханс-Георг Гадамер, Карл Хайнрих Маркс, Едмунд Хусерл и Мартин Хайдегер. ... |