Боята за рисуване върху лице от Jovi е перфектното допълнение към всяко детско парти, карнавал, рожден ден или друго събитие. Тя е подходяща за създаването на ефектен грим, за полагането на основа и очертаването на контури. С помощта на апликатор за лице може да покриете големи повърхности от лицето и тялото, а за нанасяне на прецизни детайли - пастели за лице. Боята има много добро покритие и може да се смесва с други цветове за получаване на нови нюанси. Лесно се използва, изсъхва бързо и може да бъде измита със сапун и вода, а остатъците могат да се отстранят с продукт за почистване на грим. Боята е ... |
Ножовете са част от серията Swiss Classic, където ще откриете още кухненски принадлежности. ... Сетът на Victorinox съдържа 3 броя кухненски ножа. Нож с назъбено острие, подходящ за рязане на плодове и зеленчуци, както и за мазане. Нож с назъбено острие, предназначен за домати и меки плодове, както и нож с гладко острие, подходящ за твърди плодове. Изработени са от неръждаема стомана. Дължина на остриетата: нож с назъбено острие за мазане - 110 mm нож с назъбено острие за меки плодове - 80 mm нож с гладко острие - 80 mm ... |
Bright Ideas Starter provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. Activity Book: provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice; ten pages of activities per core unit are followed by ten pages of Cambridge English external exam preparation material; includes extra grammar practice for each unit with eight grammar reference pages. Учебната система по английски език Bright ideas - ниво Starter се състои от: учебник ... |
Bright Ideas Starter provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. The Class Book has: enquiry-based method of learning encourages the development of communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration; online gaming concepts and a fun blogging-style layout stimulates the imaginations of your students and encourages them to actively engage with ideas in a meaningful context; extensive exam preparation activities and materials with embedded Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus ensures pupils are fully ... |
Bright Ideas Level 2 provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. The Teacher's Pack: includes Teacher's Guide, Classroom Presentation Tool and Teacher's Resource Centre; teacher's Guide provides step-by-step guidance on all content in the Class Book, including an introductory description of methodology and concept behind the course; classroom Presentation Tool allows you to run smooth heads-up lessons by projecting the Class Book with embedded audio and video; classroom Presentation Tool can be ... |
"The Unhappy Giant" is a Level 3 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book ... |
"Pip the Pirate" is a Level 1 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book contains ... |
"New Year's Eve" is a Level 4 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book ... |
"Volcanoes. The Legend of Batok Volcano" is a Level 5 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their ... |
Penguins. Race to the South Pole is a Level 5 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The Macmillan Children's Readers series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book contains a ... |
Патината от CADENCE има антична, ръждива текстура. Тя е подходяща за създаване на античен вид на различни повърхности: керамика, дърво, стъкло, стени, рамки, релеф и много други. Прилага се върху акрилни бои за получаване на светлосянка или като финален лак. Може да се използва и за подчертаване на пукнатините, получени при използването на напукващ медиум или за цялостно състаряване на даден предмет. Тя е на водна основа, не е токсична и се измива лесно със сапун и вода. Готова е за употреба, но при необходимост може да бъде разредена с вода. Преди употреба разбъркайте добре и нанесете с четка, гъба или ... |
What's great about technology? What's fun about museums? Where do people work? With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 4 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital ... |