Открийте изкушението на Khaltaat Al Arabia Royal Blends от Lattafa - изтънчен аромат, създаден както за жени, така и за мъже. Лансиран през 2020 година, този амброво-пикантен шедьовър ще ви пренесе в свят на лукс и чувственост. Подарете си удоволствието да носите аромат, който е едновременно елегантен и магнетичен. Ароматната композиция на унисекс парфюма Lattafa се разкрива с връхни нотки свежи плодове и сочна ябълка, които събуждат сетивата. Те са следвани от завладяващо сърце, където се преплитат екзотични подправки, индийско орехче и ароматен карамфил. За финал, базовите нотки от топъл кехлибар, чувствен мускус и ... |
Книга от поредицата "Преживяно" ... Тя е Кармен, той - Ислам бин Ладен, брат на превърналия се в синоним на сляпо насилие и терор саудитец Осама бин Ладен. Когато си в семейството, виждаш много неща. А Кармен е живяла там достатъчно дълго, за да разбере, че Осама бин Ладен и подобните нему не изникват оформени от пясъците на пустинята. Те са плод на непроницаемо и нетолерантно средновековно общество, затворено за света. Това е общество, изповядващо суровата уахабитска доктрина - най-радикалната, най-крайната в исляма. Не случайно Кармен от позицията на майка на три деца и натрупала достатъчно впечатления ... |
An English-language edition of History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations. Published in 2005, the book traces back and documents the historical development of Bulgaria's diplomatic relations and the institutions engaged in its foreign policy. The English edition was published by the Bulgarian Bestseller publishing house. History of Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations is authored by Maria Mateeva, and Peter Konstantinov has edited and updated it. ... |
"Parlophone Records" са горди да обявят, че версиите на класическите албуми на Дейвид Боуи "Low", "Heroes", "Stage" (2017), "Lodger" и "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)" са ремастерирани за изданието "A New Career In A New Town (1977 - 1982)", което включва "Берлинската трилогия" от албуми, в които певецът има общи записи с Тони Висконти и Брайън Ино, като това е третото издание от серията, обхващаща кариерата на Боуи, заедно с "Five Years (1969 - 1973)" и "Who Can I Be Now? (1974 - 1976)". ... |
Retold by Judith Dean. ... In a city in Arabia there lives a boy called Aladdin. He is poor and often hungry, but one day he finds an old lamp. When he rubs the lamp, smoke comes out of it, and then out of the smoke comes a magical jinnee. With the jinnee's help, Aladdin is soon rich, with gold and jewels and many fine things. But can he win the love of the Sultan's daughter, the beautiful Princess Badr-al-Budur? Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 5.240 ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Homer's great epic, "The Odyssey", is perhaps Western literature's first adventure story, and certainly remains one of its finest. It describes King Odysseus of Ithaca's epic, ten-year quest to return home after the Trojan War. He encounters giants, sorceresses, sea-monsters and sirens, while his wife Penelope is forced to resist the suitors who besiege her on Ithaca. Both an enchanting fairy tale and a gripping drama, "The Odyssey" is immensely influential. This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition uses a ... |
The best design from the Nordic region. Scandinavia is world famous for its inimitable, democratic designs which bridge the gap between craftsmanship and industrial production, organic forms and everyday functionality. This all-you-need guide includes a detailed look at Scandinavian furniture, glass, ceramics, textiles, jewelry, metalware, and product design from 1900 to the present day, with in-depth entries on 125 designers and design-led companies. Featured designers and designer-led companies include Verner Panton, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto, Timo Sarpaneva, Hans Wegner, Tapio Wirkkala, Stig Lindberg, Finn Juhl, M ... |
In this book, the authors summarize the groundwork developed by various researchers in concern of the kinetics of reactions accompanied by catalyst deactivation, and expound some concepts and approaches which we developed with the aim to extend the knowledge in this area. A new approach is suggested providing opportunities to prognosticate the rate of deactivation according to the reaction mechanism and the current conversion degree. Various deactivation types are distinguished, and the corresponding kinetic descriptions are specified. On this basis, it is proposed to extend the trivial classification for deactivation ... |
Editor: Phoebe Gloeckner. Series editor: Bill Kartalopoulos. ... "I love comics. Comics is (Comics are?) a perfect language, robustly evolving and expanding like any other living language," writes Phoebe Gloeckner in her Introduction to "The Best American Comics 2018". This year's collection includes work selected from the pages of graphic novels, comic books, periodicals, zines, online, and more, highlighting the kaleidoscopic diversity of the comics language today. "The Best American Comics 2018" includes: Gabrielle Bell; Tara Booth; Geof Darrow; Guy Delisle; Emil Ferris; Julia ... |