Специалистите от "Design Look" ви предлагат шампоан с уникална формула, съдържаща златни и диамантени наночастици. Той е специално разработен за боядисана, изсветлена или на кичури коса. Шампоанът подхранва в дълбочина и реструктурира увредената от често боядисване коса. Включените златни и диамантени наночастици имат регенериращи и овлажняващи свойства. Те подмладяват косата, връщайки естествената ѝ гладкост и лъскавина. Златото действа благоприятно и върху скалпа, благодарение на своите антибактериални свойства. Шампоанът почиства и възстановява боядисаната и изрусена коса. Защитава цвета ѝ и ... |
Фибите за коса от "Beauty Look" са в комплект от 12 броя. Те са с изчистен дизайн и всяка от тях е с дължина 4 cm. Леко извити са, и се отварят и затварят само с едно щракване. Може да ги ползвате както за фиксиране на бретона и откриване на лицето, така и за оформяне на различни видове прически. Важно: Цветовете на фибите могат да се различава от показаните на снимката. ... |
The best design from the Nordic region. Scandinavia is world famous for its inimitable, democratic designs which bridge the gap between craftsmanship and industrial production, organic forms and everyday functionality. This all-you-need guide includes a detailed look at Scandinavian furniture, glass, ceramics, textiles, jewelry, metalware, and product design from 1900 to the present day, with in-depth entries on 125 designers and design-led companies. Featured designers and designer-led companies include Verner Panton, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto, Timo Sarpaneva, Hans Wegner, Tapio Wirkkala, Stig Lindberg, Finn Juhl, M ... |
SW242Q от BENQ е висококачествен 24" монитор, подходящ за хора, които се занимават с професионална фотография и графичен дизайн. Той предлага изключителна цветова точност, висока резолюция и различни функционалности. Неговият IPS панел с резолюция от 2560 x 1440 пиксела предоставя ярки и детайлни изображения. Покритието на 99% от Adobe RGB цветовото пространство и 100% от sRGB цветовото пространство осигуряват широка гама на точни и наситени цветове, което е съществено важно за всеки професионален фотограф или дизайнер. Мониторът поддържа технологията HDR10 за по-широк динамичен обхват и подобрена яркост и контраст. ... |
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... An unprecedented catalog of modern trademarks. Modernist aesthetics in architecture, art, and product design are familiar to many. In soaring glass structures or minimalist canvases, we recognize a time of vast technological advance which affirmed the power of human beings to reshape their environment and to break, radically, from the conventions or constraints of the past. Less well-known, but no less fascinating, is the distillation of modernism in graphic design. This unprecedented Taschen publication, authored by Jens Muller, brings together ... |
All about the Belle Époque. Delicate illustration that defined an era. ... With his instantly recognizable decorative style, Czech artist and Art Nouveau master Alphonse Mucha (1860 - 1939) defined the look of the fin-de-siecle. In evocative shades of peach, gold, ochre, and olive, his seductive compositions of patterns, flowers, and beautiful women became paradigms of the Belle Époque years. Mucha's work permeated illustration, posters, postcards, and the advertising designs of his day. His striking posters of star actress Sarah Bernhardt were particularly famous. Alongside this delicate decorative work, ... |
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... Henk Schiffmacher’s Private Collection of the Art and Its Makers, 1730s - 1970s. One part history book, one part art book, and one part fascinating memoir, this book is an overview of more than two centuries of tattoo history intermixed with an intimate look at the lives of tattoo artists, and the personal struggles and triumphs, occupational hazards, and artistic courage that have defined so much of this history. For the last forty years, Henk Schiffmacher has poured his heart and soul into his collection, amassing tattoo drawings, designs, photographs, ... |
Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, this edition rounds up some of today’s most exceptional and inspiring interiors across six continents. From rustic minimalism to urbane eclecticism, the selection celebrates a global spectrum of styles, united by authenticity, a love of detail, and a zest for individual expression that will never go out of fashion. Includes interiors in Argentina, Brasil, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and many more countries. With pictures by ... |
A new edition of the classic and timely record of refugees and migrants on the move. ... It has been almost a generation since Sebastiao Salgado first published Exodus but the story it tells, of fraught human movement around the globe, has changed little in 16 years. The push and pull factors may shift, the nexus of conflict relocates from Rwanda to Syria, but the people who leave their homes tell the same tale: deprivation, hardship, and glimmers of hope, plotted along a journey of great psychological, as well as physical, toil. Salgado spent six years with migrant peoples, visiting more than 35 countries to document ... |
Caravaggio, or more accurately Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 - 1610), was always a name to be reckoned with. Notorious bad boy of Italian painting, the artist was at once celebrated and controversial: Violent in temper, precise in technique, a creative master, and a man on the run. This work offers a comprehensive reassessment of Caravaggio's entire oeuvre with a catalogue raisonné of his works. Each painting is reproduced in large format, with recent, high production photography allowing for dramatic close-ups with Caravaggio's ingenious details of looks and gestures. Five introductory chapters ... |
An American Journalist's Inside Look at Cuba, 1959 - 1969. ... Between 1959 and 1969, photojournalist Lee Lockwood documented Cuba and its victorious revolutionary Fidel Castro with unprecedented freedom and access, including a marathon seven-day interview with Castro himself. This volume includes Lockwood's evocative photographs of Cuba and Castro, his many insightful observations, and extensive excerpts from the unprecedented Lockwood - Castro conversations. A unique and telling portrait of Cuba and its enigmatic leader. On December 31, 1958, Lee Lockwood, then a young photojournalist, went to Cuba to cover ... |
Плюшената играчка с история от серията "Lucky Doggy". ... Запознайте се с Кики, симпатичното кученце от "Orange Toys". Изработено е от плюш и е напълнено с полиестерни влакна и полиетиленови гранули. При изработката на детайлите и аксесоарите му са използвани трикотаж и пластмасови елементи. Играчката може да върти главата си, да сяда и да държи лапичките си една в друга, благодарение на зашитите в тях магнити. Височината ѝ в седнало положение е 25 cm, а в изправено - 44 cm. Облечена е с раирана черно-бяла блуза, поличка с тиранти и носи на главата си червена барета. Това, което различава Кики от ... |