С многофункционалната палитра Marigold на Profusion Cosmetics имате възможност да създадете множество от разнообразни визии в ярки тонове. Изберете между 35 силно пигментирани и лесни за преливане цветове. Съчетани са матови и блестящи текстури, които варират от неутрални земни и златисти, до маково червени и розови нюанси. Може да ги комбинирате в ежедневна визия, а също и във вечерна такава. Придават ефект на яркост и дефиниция. Палитрата Profusion Cosmetics Marigold е подходяща както за начинаещи, така и за професионалисти. Формулата е разработена да пасва на всички тонове на кожата. Палитрата със сенки Marigold е ... |
Древна Гърция, 5 в. пр. н.е. Саламин и Платея. Две битки, две победи, които променят курса на войната на гърците с Персийската империя и поставят началото на нова епоха. За първи път своенравните елини се обединяват в Делоската лига и организират поход да освободят северните гръцки полиси от персийски контрол. Начело на флотата застава Кимон, но историята ще запомни друго име - Перикъл, Лъва на Атина. Една от на-значимите фигури в историята на този велик град, олицетворение на идеалите, които са го изградили. Макар и все още млад, той знае едно - за да водиш война, първо трябва да постигнеш мир. Но Перикъл се нуждае от ... |
The art of Edmund Dulac, a naturalized British French master illustrator, is channelled into an enchanting and mysterious Tarot deck. Dulac became famous during the golden age of illustration (between the XIX and the XX century) for his magic–filled artwork, capable of moving the heart and charming the eyes. 78 cards with dimensions 6.5 x 11.8 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Aristocratic detective Albert Campion is called upon by the British government to establish ownership of the tiny, oil-rich principality of Averna on the Adriatic Coast. The titled but impoverished Fitton family lay claim to it, but the deeds are nowhere to be found. With the help of his loyal chums and sidekick, retired cat burglar Magersfontein Lugg, Campion must pit his wits against a criminal financier and his heavies in order to unearth the truth. A quintessential Golden Age detective story and utterly gripping thriller, "Sweet Danger" ... |
Among the country's greatest artistic contributions, twentieth-century Russian literature was revolutionary on its approach to realism, injecting characters with human weaknesses familiar to all. It also provided fodder for other such important concepts as existentialism and even passive resistance, which was rooted in the works of Tolstoy and practiced successfully by Gandhi and Martin Luther King. The twelve powerful short stories in this collection are excellent examples of writing by the foremost authors from Russia's Golden Age of Literature. Ideal for students of Russian literature, this magnificent ... |
Magic has enchanted humankind for millennia, evoking terror, laughter, shock, and amazement. Once persecuted as heretics and sorcerers, magicians have always been conduits to a parallel universe of limitless possibility-whether invoking spirits, reading minds, or inverting the laws of nature by sleight of hand. Long before science fiction, virtual realities, video games, and the Internet, the craft of magic was the most powerful fantasy world man had ever known. As the pioneers of special effects throughout history, magicians have never ceased to mystify us by making the impossible possible. This book celebrates more ... |
Selected Short Stories. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Lord Peter Wimsey, wealthy, charming and charismatic, is one of the most famous amateur detectives of the golden age of crime. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Lord Peter Wimsey Investigates is introduced and edited by crime writer David Stuart Davies. The fifteen short stories in this lively and witty ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... An impenetrable fog has descended on the streets of post-war London and, lurking in the shadows, a violent murderer is on the rampage. Gentleman detective, Albert Campion, is on the trail of a mysterious man posing as the dead husband of a war widow with a wealthy new fiancé, but his expedition into the city's criminal underworld reveals something far more sinister than blackmail... Set in the atmospheric midst of a London "pea souper", "The Tiger in the Smoke" is Margery Allingham's most sophisticated Golden Age crime ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10.5 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most celebrated works of classic literature for children, "The Wind in the Willows" follows Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger from one adventure to the next - in gipsy caravans and stolen cars, to prison and back to the Wild Wood. A story of animal cunning and human camaraderie, this remains a timeless tale more than 100 years after its publication. This edition contains all of the sixteen colour illustrations that Arthur Rackham produced for this book; most editions contain only twelve. In addition to this, Rackham's beautiful pen-and- ... |
The Sunday Times bestseller. ... 66 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the earth. Today, Dr. Steve Brusatte, one of the leading scientists of a new generation of dinosaur hunters, armed with cutting edge technology, is piecing together the complete story of how the dinosaurs ruled the earth for 150 million years. The world of the dinosaurs has fascinated on book and screen for decades - from early science fiction classics like The Lost World, to Godzilla terrorizing the streets of Tokyo, and the monsters of Jurassic Park. But what if we got it wrong? In The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, top ... |
The historical depth, into which we can penetrate into the past of the cultural-and-spiritual center of Bansko, extends as far back as to that limit, which marks the beginning of the legends and the traditions. That is the reason why every story about Bansko, even the most common one, heard in that town, sounds lifelike when told in the irresistible in its charm “Bankovskite speech”, which is both music and poetry with an inimitable dramatic intonation. The conquering with its magnificence mountainous scenery, allotted to Bansko, is a perfect natural creation which has in itself been a challenge to the artists, the poets ... |
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 - 1669) never left his homeland of the Netherlands but in his massive body of painting, drawing, and etching, he changed the course of Western art. His prolific oeuvre encompasses religious, historical, and secular scenes, as well as one of the most extraordinary series of portraits and self-portraits in history. Rembrandt's work foregrounds texture, light, and acute observation. Like sudden, startling apparitions in a shadowy street, his subjects are illuminated against deep, dark backgrounds and rendered with immense physical as well as psychological scrutiny. Whether biblical or ... |