Wortschatz uben. Freizeit. Mein Jahr. Feste. Учебникът е подходящ за ученици от 2. клас нагоре, които искат самостоятелно и лесно да научават нови думи на немски език. Лексиката в него обхваща темите свободно време, моята година и празниците. Уроците съдържат многобройни илюстрации - всички думи са представени със съответно изображение, игри и задачи за в клас и за вкъщи. CD-ROM -ът включва лексикални упражнения, отговарящи на съдържанието на учебника, и техните решения. Учебната система "Meine Welt auf Deutsch" се състои от: учебник помагало Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават ... |
Grammatik uben. Mit Grammatik üben können Schülerinnen und Schüler ab Klasse 2 wichtige grammatische Themen spielerisch entdecken und weitgehend selbstständig üben. Eingebettet in die Themenfelder "Alltag und Freizeit", "Jahr, Wetter und Zeit" und "Feste und Feiern" werden u. a. folgende Bereiche trainiert: Modalverben; Präteritum; Passiv im Präsens; Negation; Ordinalzahlen; Uhrzeit; Erste Satzverbindungen. Grammatikregeln und -begriffe werden leicht verständlich formuliert oder visualisiert. Jedes Kapitel umfasst folgende Abschnitte: ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |